
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

(26-03-2008)today is a really bad day 4 me again... just wake up from a very long sleep... cus due to a accident happen at JB a car knock sabri and his gal while we r going home this morning at around 4 plus am so sad sia the motorbike... but lucky both of them its alright... that stupid man make us go back late i reach home around 11 plus am... but poor zack and 1 of my friend have to pay a fine of $70 for the smoke of the bike... and my foot knaana sqwash but the car lucky noting happen going home i tompang sabri and the gal is zack o ya than 1 of my friend bike coolent spoil haiz bad day for us... Dear €andy sister i read your blog thx 4 your concern just be brave k don worry abt me and don think much of your love life he will be there 4 u want k... haha... :>


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