
Monday, June 2, 2008

Hi Reader lot of thing to share working has been a good thing 4 the past few years i see thing change around me friend, working station many people leaving learn a lot of thing... wat i have learn is i know wat true love is and true friendship is all about and thing in life... on 29th may KFC 0512 friend had made a farewell party 4 me and the most shocking thing was i get a PSP has a farewell gift, and i think my sister bought me a apron is very cute(haha) on the farewell party i really did enjoy myself. And on my last day of my career Has a KFC crew die on 31 may 2008 i been working for a ver long time 4 years plus going 5 years, that last day morning i do all station expect 4 home dilivery packer and the last piece of chicken was cook at around 10.30pm haha later i ate my last SA with the staff that work night shift.... so that all i have to say enjoy working with all of u who ever work at 0512 KFC


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