22-05-2008 today morning i angry sia my younger brother rob me sia... i got a collection of the money that i have go b4 malaysia and brunei... wtf sia he go spend all of it some more the rare money some more... than afternoon go
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
15/05/2008 Hey morning meet uo with hidayat and nabil and his friend go to ban hock heng there they wanted to buy helment but too bad down have so we go blastier road there to look something and i had change my bike seat cover cool haha... it cost me $36 wat the hell and a sticker cost $4 after that when home than later afternoon go out meet up with my friend than nw wanna sleep already gd nite every body....
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
14/05/2008 HeY I BaCk WeLl NoTiNg MuCh To SaY JuSt Been WoRkiNg 4 The Past FeW wEeK... finAlY I GoT A TaG BoX So DoN SpAM HoR WRiTe WaT EvEr U Want EXAmPlE YoUr Problem Or AnY tHinG u WisH to teLl mE k...
(lAsT Of All 21 MoRe DaY TO Go So ScarEd ExCtiNg WoRRiEd And Happy StuPiD FeeLiNg...)
Friday, May 2, 2008
hey 2-05-2008 today wake up in the afternoon sleep the whole morning than meet them at around 8 plus and watch the 9.15pm movie call iron man the movie ver gd to see all boys must watch is a very gd show... after that meet ash and yat at bt batok we play bolwing at the home team NS at bt batok there after that we go hang around at alamin there i ate roti john... after that go home...